12 Ways To Reduce Dementia

12 Ways To Reduce Dementia

The new 2020 commission outline on the strategies for reducing dementia mentions 12 risk factors that can be modified. Dementia is a spectrum of conditions presenting with memory loss and cognitive impairment. Currently, 50 million people have dementia globally. This...
Well Woman Checklist

Well Woman Checklist

Screening and promoting women’s wellness is important for early detection of health conditions and maintaining overall physical and mental wellbeing. Screening identifies any potential health problems early, enabling early and effective treatment. Click to...
World Cancer Day: Cervical cancer

World Cancer Day: Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is preventable, yet there are over 500,000 people diagnosed with cervical cancer globally every year. What can be done? In preparing for this podcast, I discovered that there are 500,000 women/people with cervix, diagnosed with cervical cancer...
Kids who have a midday nap are more intelligent

Kids who have a midday nap are more intelligent

Kids who have a midday nap are more intelligent We have read that sleep is essential for normal brain functioning, decision making and to relieve stress. Eight hours of sleep or more has been recommended for children to promote well-being. A recent study published in...
Depression and Cognitive/Memory function

Depression and Cognitive/Memory function

Cognitive function is defined as an intellectual process by which one becomes aware of, perceives, or comprehends ideas. It involves all aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning, and remembering. Cognitive function has 3 main areas: motor, emotion and sensory. Motor...